IMG_0819Ever since my husband and I decided to sell everything and hit the road in our motorhome, “Merci la vie,” we regularly get comments from people we meet, our friends and our families, and one statement in particular is recurrent: “Oh! I would love to follow my dream, too!” I get the impression that people think of our adventure as a far-fetched dream, a little crazy or even difficult to follow due to obstacles. Personally, I’m grateful that life has allowed Bernard and I to be on the same page at the same point in time and, especially, to have taken the plunge without really knowing how things would turn out!

Looking back, the perspective we chose before hitting the road was relatively simple: view our dream as attainable, trust ourselves, and especially believe in our own creative resources. In my opinion, our dream is not far-fetched; it is just a little bigger than us, big enough that we are both out of our comfort zones, just enough to be afraid and excited at the same time and to need each other to keep going.

When I dig a bit deeper, I realize that our dream is changing and evolving into our “Bigger1 -Sensibilisation Game”, because we would both like to have an impact on those around us. In my case, my leadership workshops and Street Coaching (volunteer activity) focus my attention on what I am passionate about: being “on the playing field” to help people I meet to play bigger in their life. Our compelling purpose is gradually becoming defined by the people we meet, and the “how to do it” will naturally take place. For example, some time ago, when I met a perfect stranger in Sault Ste. Marie, I never would have thought that our meeting would lead to my giving a leadership workshop for 100 people in Toronto.

Why am I telling you all this? Simply because you have dreams as well and you deserve to give yourself the gift of living them to the fullest. I share my experiences because in telling our stories we realize that different people can have the same experiences. Here are the stages I went through to achieve my dream and how that dream grew. Let’s take a closer look:

  • Don’t wait to be totally ready to act, or you will be sucked into an endless spiral in which your dream will never be ready enough, perfect enough or safe enough…
  • Dare to take the plunge, don’t think about what might happen once you do. As the quote goes;

IMG_0432“What happens if I fall? Or what if you fly, my dear?”

  • Don’t try to plan how you’re going to achieve your dream or whether now’s the right time: instead, wake up your resonance, that is, your essence, your reason for being. When the dream becomes visceral, anything is possible.
  • Stop self-sabotage: I’ll never make it, I’m not good enough, I don’t have enough money, I don’t have time… tell yourself that YOU ARE ENOUGH!

Now imagine that you have earned the right to act on one of your dreams in the next two weeks. Your challenge? Living this dream must cost you less than $20. Why so little? Because we don’t want money, or any other excuse, to get in the way, to take you away from the dream you so deserve. I can almost read your mind “but what dream could I possibly achieve for less than $20?” What if the dream consisted of taking two hours with your family to go on an unplanned, rather crazy, outing? Or taking a long walk outside and talking to the trees… volunteering or giving back to others? It could also be to call an old friend whom you haven’t spoken to in ages. We all have at least one dream like that. Think of a dream that makes you smile and that is easily achievable, but that you haven’t let yourself enjoy. Now, instead of holding your dream at bay, keeping it on the back shelf, tell yourself that today is your day to give yourself a reward. You’re well worth it!

Here’s what I suggest – 1, 2, 3… go!

  1. Make a list of three dreams that you can achieve in the next two weeks for less than $20. Be specific.
  2. Circle the dream that will bring you the most joy and that is also easy to achieve.
  3. Make an appointment to achieve your dream. Add it to your agenda and put a huge star in front of it. Then, tell it to someone who will help you stay committed and responsible.
  4. And now for the best part: live your dream! Take the plunge and enjoy.
  5. Keep this dream alive: take pictures, make a short video, write the story of your dream come true. These captured moments will be your source of inspiration as you follow other dreams.

Close your eyes and listen… Your dreams are dancing to the rhythm of your heart. It’s Waltdisney-Engtime for you, too, to tell the world that you have won an appointment to make one of your dreams come true and bring more meaning and joy to your life.

The simple act of writing this article for you inspires me to continue my pursuit with even more intensity and to be even bolder, despite sometimes running into obstacles. And the 20-dollar dream that I recently achieved was to give back to others. I would really like you to share your dream with me… so write to me!

Christine Lecavalier, CPCC-ACC

Coaching co-actif et leadership